Management Vision

Aiming to be a corporate group
trusted and chosen by customers

Since our founding in May 1954, we have expanded our operations from our core business of multidiscipline engineering, which supports social information and communication infrastructure, to the ICT solutions and the housing and real estate businesses.

We aim to accurately meet our customers' needs and become a trusted company by organically integrating our businesses. Those business include Multidiscipline Engineering that involves the construction and maintenance of optical equipment, mobile equipment, road-related communication equipment, electrical and communication equipment in buildings, civil engineering equipment and more. Meanwhile, our ICT Solutions business concerns VOD system solutions, video solutions, installation and maintenance services for semiconductor manufacturing equipment and card solutions. Lastly, our Housing and Real Estate business sells built-for-sale housing and rents out condominiums.

In line with our company concept, by which we "enthusiastically offer reliable technology, quality and service inspiring to all of our customers," we endeavor to help realize a plentiful and comfortable society.

President & CEO
Keiji Ueyama